When it is time to hire a contractor you shouldn’t just Google Contractors near you and hire the first one that appears. Hiring a contractor deserves some thought and attention, after all, they’re going to be working on your most favorite place – your home (or at the very least, and investment property for you).
The right contractor will do the job right, on budget and on time. Pick the wrong one, and you couldn’t find yourself dealing with a nightmare. So how can you pick the right contractor first time? Here are 5 steps to help you hire the right contractor.
How to Hire a Contractor Step 1: Know What You Want
Contractors are there to help you achieve your vision, or an even better version of it, but they aren’t interior designers. When you are ready to hire a contractor you should have a good idea of what you want, so research colors, finishes, fixtures, and any appliances you need now. If you need more guidance, find an interior designer or architect to help you perfect your ideas. This way, your contractor will be able to give you an accurate quote for what you are looking for.
How to Hire a Contractor Step 2: Research
Now it is time to do your research and find out about local general contractors who can help you bring your ideas to fruition. There is nothing wrong with Googling General Contractors Boston, or similar, to get an initial list to work from. Browse their sites and rule out any that don’t do the job you need them to.
How to Hire a Contractor Step 3: Check Their Insurance and Past Work
Any contractor you hire should have adequate insurance to cover them if unforeseen problems occur. In the event your contractor falls sick or accidentally causes expensive damage to your home, you need to know that you wont be left with a half-finished home or a huge bill. Also, check out images of their past projects on their site or on social media profiles. This is a great way to gauge if they will suit your project.
How to Hire a Contractor Step 4: Get 3 Quotes
Ideally, you’ll have a list of a few possible candidates and you can call them to ask for quotes. Since you know exactly what you want, the three quotes will all be for the same thing and so it will be much easier to compare pricing. Use this time to learn about how responsive they are to your messages and if you get along with them well on a personal level.
How to Hire a Contractor Step 5: Ask for an Expected Completion Date
When you have chosen the contractor you want to hire ask for an expected completion date – sometimes there are problems that slow a project, but they should be able to give you a good estimate about when the project will be complete. If all looks good and it will be done in a timeframe that suits you, go ahead and book your project in!
Remember after your project is complete to spread the word about what a great job they did for you, if that is the case. Contractors rely heavily on word of mouth, and so even just a quick recommendation on Facebook can make all the difference.
Are you looking for a general contractor in Boston, MA? If so, we would love to talk to you about your ideas and give you a quote.